Letter to the Editor: Chelsea Center offers learning opportunities

Established in 2010 at Webster Groves High School, the Chelsea Center is unique in American education in offering specific, targeted resources and a three-part structured process to help students find and/or pursue their passions outside the regular classroom through experiential learning.  We all have many experiences in our lives, with family and friends, inside and outside of school, but we rarely stop to consider what we might learn from all these experiences – learn about ourselves and learn about the community and environment in which we live.  The Chelsea Center helps establish and facilitate this learning process. 

Students may pursue their interests through job shadowing, internships, part-time employment, volunteering and traveling.  The Center offers a myriad of already developed experiential opportunities and also works with students who have specific interests they may wish to develop. Are you going to mentor or tutor students in WGSD for A+ hours or have a part-time job? Or travel with family or a school group? Why not sign up with the Chelsea Center, learn from this experience, and earn academic credit for the learning that occurs?

College applications and prospective employers want to know what you have DONE while in high school, beyond the classes you have taken and the grades you received.  The Chelsea Center can help you build a stronger resume to effectively present yourself.

Stop by the Chelsea Center, room 200, to find out how you may take advantage of this underutilized WGHS resource – either over the summer or during the academic year.

Glenn Detrick
Parent/Community Member and Founder of the Chelsea Center 

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