Letter to the Editor: Teacher advises about how to spend summer

As the school year winds down and as a summer full of free time comes upon us, I’d like to take a moment to encourage you students to use that free time wisely and to invest in yourselves.

Not necessarily in financial ventures but rather in things that will help you for the rest of your life. Invest your time strengthening your relationships with your parents and siblings. Learn how to change the oil or a tire on your car. Practice parallel parking. Exercise your body by exploring our parks, and exercise your mind by reading or fixing things around the house. Invest in others by serving them.

It’s easy to binge watch seasons of shows, but is it an investment of your time? At the end of the summer, will you be able to say you met your goals, made a difference, and invested in yourself or others?

Brent Mackey,
German teacher


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